I've been wanting to do a post for some time now, on why you should read my book(s). Because, given the amount of books published every day, whether independently or through mainstream publishers, what makes you pick up one book over another?
We all know how we personally choose a novel, but it is no good knowing about the best novel ever! and then not being able to find it. And when you do the first thing you do is pick it up.
What do you see? The cover of course. A cover can make the difference with sales. The cover on the left has created some controversy. People either seem to love it or hate it. But it is intriguing, because the first thing you ask is, what is it? You flip over to the back cover, unless it is an e-reader and you read the blurb. 
  In this science fiction novel by Susan Elizabeth Curnow, a clone
created for no other purpose than to serve his ruthless master finds more than
insight into the suicide of his friend and fellow clone when he is sent to the
world of Cavan. 
It may be the answer to all he's ever longed for if he can avoid the
imminent danger of insanity and death--and accept that the land is a sentient
entity he has been chosen to defend once gifted with the alien blood that gains
him so much more than a powerful pair of wings.

Still intrigued? Want to know who that clone is and why the guy on the front has wings? Read on. You open the first para and read:

Splashed with violence, the small ship’s bridge stank of death. Viscous fluid
coated instrument panels, bulkheads, and the deck. In space, blood would have
floated in pearl-like globules. It had never had a chance to reach the filters,
which meant Jon Harvey left his suicide until the last moments.
 In the  hatchway, Carogan paused, observing the disarray. Harvey had been a friend. Now he sat belted in at his console with gaping wounds up his wrists. A combat knife
lay on the deck, as though just dropped.
 Carogan reached out a hand, pushed away the collar of Harvey’s flight suit, and touched the pulse point on his neck. Warmth filtered through the thin fabric of his
 “Lieutenant? Your heart rate has increased,” a tinny voice informed him into his earpiece.
 Had it? Harvey’s bloodless face stared back at him. Still, so still, and empty. Would he look like that in death?  Sweat trickled down the side of Carogan’s face inside his suit’s helmet.
Grantham wanted answers. “I have him, sir. He’s  dead.”
 Grantham would already know that. The Terran Population Control Board director had sent Carogan into the ship knowing.

You read and partake of a snippet of the author's voice. Those first couple of paragraphs are all an author has, both with a reader and with a publisher.
A story which opens with the violence of death. But the land is sentient? A clone is sent in to discover what? And why has the damned guy got wings?

*G* Find out. That's why you should read. Discover the world of Cavan and its winged natives, the cavalana and how Steven Carogan got caught up in their lives. The story is about choices; it's about the bad corporate guys who don't care about anything but their profit. It's about the callousness of one man and the courage of another, and about a dying world and how far we might go to save it. It's about a world fighting back.


3/26/2013 12:28:17 pm

A clever post, Sue. I'm afraid I'll have to put my hand up and say I hate the cover. But I'm certain it will make people wonder, and I suppose that's what it's all about. I can certainly attest to your writing skills.

3/27/2013 09:04:07 am

Thank you, Greta, I appreciate your words :)


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